Every Memorial Day weekend, we go up north camping with our friends and some of their families. Jordan and I have gone up for 6 years now, the last 4 being at the Silver Lake State Park. We had a great time and we were grateful for the awesome weather this year - not too cold, but not too hot. Jordan left on Friday afternoon but I drove up later because I had a bachelorette party that same night. So I got up there at 12:30. Apparently, the girls (or Ruby, more specifically) were not such happy campers from the time that Jordan got there until bedtime. Ruby is kind of attached to me lately and I don't think it helped that she didn't know where she was. Natalie just cuddled with our friend Crystal for a couple of hours. But other than those first few hours, the girls did really well and both slept through the night. And everyday after that went well. I was a little apprehensive this year because we sleep in a tent and I didn't want Ruby waking up the entire camp if she would wake up during the night. At least I didn't have Gary to take care of this year. We left him home and these girls who own 'Woof Washers' in our neighborhood, fed, played, and even bathed him while we were gone!! Everyone seemed to have a good time whether playing in the dunes, hanging out at the camp, fishing, or driving the go-carts. Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Aaron and Ruby sharing a piece of licorice :)
Ruby was in bed by sunset.
Sunday was also Jordan and my 6th anniversary of when we had our first 'official' date! On our first date, we did the typical dinner and a movie and then went to Ruby Juice in Holland and Meijers and back to Jordan's house. The next morning, Jordan picked me up and we went to Gun Lake where everyone was camping and hung out there for the day. I can't believe how fast the time goes, I wish I could do it all over again! The joke while camping last year was that I'd be pregnant again this year - the last 2 years, I've been pregnant- but I am not and don't plan to be anytime soon! I enjoyed not sleeping on an air mattress with a big belly and a sore back. I also took a ride in Brad's truck through the dunes which I haven't done for either 3 or 4 years. So I think I'll plan my pregnancies around this camping trip every year :)
And on Memorial Day, we remember those who serve our country and for those who have given their lives to protect us and all of their families. I know I take Freedom for granted. Thank you!!
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