Thursday, September 15, 2016


It was just another day at the 'hair salon' when my hairdresser gave me an unexpected trim!  When you're not expecting to hear the sound of scissors, you freak out a little (sorry Emma!) Luckily it was only half an inch off from 5 strands of hair!

These walks in the neighborhood.  Slow and so sweet!

When Emmy naps, she is ethereal!  Sometimes, her eyes are still half open while she's sleeping!

The big kids started school... Emmy started Bible Study Fellowship again. She learns so much through this program.  One day she told me that 'The sheep knows the Shepherd and the Shepherd knows the sheeps.'  I don't think I'll ever forget that!  We got into a routine with Bible Study where we'd swing through the Wendy's down the road.  From one of the first times we went there and consistently through the year, she would say hi to the lady on the intercom, Ms. Mary!  We built a relationship with her and looked forward to seeing her each time we went!  We learned that she also loves Jesus, her joy was so evident!  Emmy was the reason for that relationship!

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