I snapped away at them and hugged them goodbye over and over! Charlie held his position of first in line. The bus drove toward us and I hugged Charlie one last time. I asked him if he was ready for this and he confidently told me, 'I think so.' That made me cry! The bus stopped, the doors opened, and he walked away without looking back!
And Emmy and I cried. And Heidi!
I learned later that Ruby had walked Charlie to his class (per my prompting) but all on her own account, she held his hand! And this went on for the first couple of weeks! I love that my little guy still hugs and kisses me and allows for his sister to hold his hand in front of all of his peers! What a tenderhearted boy I have!
The girls had great first days as well! New friends and old friends! Both have adjustments in homework-load but they don't mind! When they run out of schoolwork, they make up more for themselves and play even more school!
I am so so proud of these kiddos of mine!
They never looked back!